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1st February - Sean Pawson - Hirepool Hornby
2nd February - Toka Haimona - Hirepool Bromley
3rd February - Grounds & Services Ltd - Hirepool Dunedin
4th February - Miro Homes - Hirepool Mount Roskill
5th February - Simon Murray Builders - Hirepool Nelson
6th February - First 5 Builders - Hirepool Kapiti
7th February - Plumbuilt - Hirepool Manukau
8th February - Alba Interiors - Hirepool Penrose
9th February - Dempsey Wood - Hirepool Portaloo Auckland
10th February - Jurgens Contractors - Hirepool Hastings
11th February - Supa Homes - Hirepool East Tamaki
12th February - Bartlett Electrical - Hirepool Christchurch City
13th February - Soul Carpentry - Hirepool Portloo Bay of Plenty
14th February - Naylor Construction - Hirepool North Shore
15th February - Robert Wedding - Hirepool Henderson
16th February - Trabajador Ltd - Hirepool Penrose
17th February - Fuel Installations - Hirepool Portaloo Auckland
18th February - Paul Smith Earthmoving - Hirepool Greymouth
19th February - Taumata Plantations - Hirepool Portloo Bay of Plenty
20th February - Warren Adolph Homes - Hirepool New Lynn
21st February - Building & Fire Services - Hirepool Whangarei
22nd February - MK Rana Construction - Hirepool New Lynn
23rd Feburary - Kyle Byers - Hirepool Portaloo Christchurch
24th February - Gasco South Island - Hirepool Queenstown
25th February - Booster Wine Group - Hirepool Portaloo Hawkes Bay
26th February - Woodview Construction - Hirepool Kumeu
27th February -
28th February -